Fundamentals of Basic Weapon Safety Drills (RIFS)



This course is designed to provide individuals with a foundational understanding of weapon safety and basic handling techniques using realistic imitation firearms (airsoft) RIFS. It serves as an introductory training for those who wish to pursue accredited firearms training in the future, with a specific focus on close protection (bodyguarding) scenarios. The course will utilize airsoft replicas that closely mimic the characteristics of the Glock pistol and M4 carbine to ensure familiarity with real firearms while adhering to UK legal restrictions.

pay in interest free monthly instalments: 12 x £12.50


Prerequisites for this Course are as follows


• Minimum age of 18 years.


• Signed waiver acknowledging the use of airsoft imitation firearms for training purposes.


• Completed or Enrolled onto a Regulated Level 3 Close Protection Course


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Phone: 01299 550 250

